Discovery of medicinal qualities in waters made the city nationally famous in late 19th - early 20th Centuries. It was said that the waters of the Crazy Well (discovered in 1885) could cure mental illness and a long list of other maladies. The Crazy Water Hotel, now a Baptist retirement home, is seen in the upper right and as it appeared in the 1930's.

Famous Water Company - Founded in 1913 by Edward P. Dismuke, this bottling company is the only mineral water well in operation today. Some of Dismuke's products were Dismuke's Pronto-lax, Dismuke's Famous Mineral Crystals, Dismuke's Eye Bath, and Dismukes residuum.

Entrance to the Famous Park where the well is still located.

The Nazareth Hospital closed in 1965 when the Sisters who operated it felt they could no longer maintain their hospital in Mineral Wells due to decreased personnel.

The old Norwood Hospital (originally two floors, see below) from another era. Because of the healing properties (and a new generation who have bypassed the town - along with the Interstate) Mineral Wells is "Crazy" no more.

1 comment:
I am writing a pictorial history of Mineral Wells and would love to include your Norwood Clinic photo. I will gladly give you photo credit. I need 300 dpi or as close as possible. My email is siouxcitysue@att.net . Thank you.
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